Tateurndina ocellicauda
Tateurndina ocellicauda AKA - Peacock Gudgeon, Rainbow Gudgeon, Peacock Goby, Eye-Spot Sleeper


This very colorful Goby-like fish doesn't really belong to the Gobiidae family but the Eleotridae. It originates from New Guinea, the island of many stunning fish species. Males grow to about 7cm while females stay smaller, about 5cm. Both sexes show bright blue coloration with many red irregular lines/spots. They have two dorsal fins (the front one is shorter). The longer dorsal fin is the same size as the anal fin. The female has a black line at the edges of both, anal and dorsal fin. Conversely, the male exhibits bright yellow edges. Both sexes have a black spot at the base of the caudal fin (hence the name, Eye-Spot Sleeper). Even though both have yellow bellies, the female shows off stronger yellow, especially in breeding condition (something similar can be noticed in Pelvicachromis pulcher specie also). The most notable difference is the shape of their heads. The female has a pointed head, while the male has a hump-head and a much stronger, grumpy looking, jaw. Sometimes, depending on the light angle, the male's eye will reflect red (see photo). This is not seen in females. The Peacock Gudgeon is a very peaceful fish and can be kept with other peaceful species (ex. Rainbowfishes). The male Tateurndina ocellicauda will indeed show some "pushy" aggression towards the female (and other fish) when caring for the eggs. This kind of aggression doesn't lead to injuries. The male looks after the eggs on his own, but only until they hatch, after which he sees them as a snack opportunity. During this caring time he will not leave the cave, not even to eat. Therefore, one should not be surprised if one of the males vanishes for a few days.

The fry will take infusoria as the first food but after a while should be provided with freshly hatched artemia nauplii. The fry grow very slowly.
Peacock Gudgeon larvae attached to the stone, day before hatching into the free swimming fry .

This is a very good question, since this specie is very picky when it comes to choosing their diet. They will happily refuse all kinds of commercially prepared food like flakes, granules, tablets, crumbs, even the freeze-dried ones. But, they will readily accept live/frozen equivalents like Artemia, Tubifex, Daphnia, white/black mosquito larvae as well as chopped Blood worms. Properly fed P. Gudgeon will have a nicely rounded belly (see photo). The aquarium water should be in the 6.4-7.5 pH range with a moderate KH. Temperature should be kept between 23'-27' Celsius. Water changes of 25% should be done weekly. Aquarium should ideally be furnished with stones, roots and living plants. Written and illustrated by Dusko Bojic.